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So What Is SelfDecode?
At SelfDecode, we take a look at your raw DNA data (either through our DNA kit, or your uploaded data from another company such as 23andMe or Ancestry) and give you scientifically-backed recommendations best suited for your body. These recommendations are based on overcoming your genetic weaknesses for a certain topic, such as Gut Health, Inflammation, Weight Loss, and Mood, among others! We have 20+ reports to choose from, with more being added.
SelfDecode provides the most comprehensive genetic analysis by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to accurately predict and analyze up to 83 million genetic variants from a typical DNA file.
Subscribers have access to:
- ALL SelfHacked articles (ad-free!) – Read from over 1500 science-based health articles that go in-depth on the benefits of natural supplement and lifestyle health changes.
- Personalized DNA Wellness Reports – in depth genetic reports on topics like gut health, mood, heart health, and sleep that provide you with recommendations specific for your body, so that you can solve any health problem you’re experiencing.
- Lab Test Analyzer tool – Upload your lab results and discover how you can get your levels to the optimal range. We analyze ~1000 labs. We will add any lab that we don’t have!
- and so much more!
Why do we think there is a need for this? Because our CEO, Joe, started SelfDecode and SelfHacked because he needed to biohack his own genes. As a kid, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine.
Frustrated by the lack of good information and tools, Joe decided to embark on a journey of self-experimentation and self-learning to improve his health – something that has since become known as “biohacking”. After creating the biohacker’s ultimate resource website, SelfHacked, Joe moved on to found the ultimate tool for DNA-based self-research. Today, SelfDecode helps thousands of users discover how to meet their health goals through gene-based science.
The best part? You don’t need a science degree to use it. We make everything easy to understand. We even prioritize your recommendations for you so you can start optimizing your health, from day 1!
Whatever your concern, we’re here to help. So what are you waiting for? Optimize your health today.
If you don’t believe it will work for you, take it from a few of our thousands of customers who changed their life with SelfDecode: