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10 Rehmannia Root Benefits + Side Effects

Written by | Last updated:
Puya Yazdi
Medically reviewed by
Puya Yazdi, MD | Written by | Last updated:

Rehmannia has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, but modern research on its potential benefits is relatively scarce. It has shown promise for anemia and kidney function; what other benefits might it have? Read on to find out.

What is Rehmannia?

Rehmannia glutinosa is a flowering plant found in central China. It’s sometimes called Chinese foxglove because it looks somewhat like a foxglove flower, though the two aren’t actually related [1].

The roots of this plant have been used in Traditional Chinese and Korean Medicine for over 2,000 years [2, 3].

According to the traditional outlook, the harmony of opposite, but complementary, forces – yin and yang – underlies good health. Rehmannia is thought to help with yin energy imbalances. It is traditionally used to fight bacterial infections, as a tonic, and for a variety of conditions associated with inflammation, like asthma and arthritis [4, 5, 1].

Rehmannia is also often combined with other herbs to remedy “yin deficiency”. For example, it’s one of the six ingredients in a popular Chinese herbal product called Rehmannia Six Formula and one of the seven ingredients in the traditional kidney-nourishing herbal formulation Yukmi-jihang-tang. It is also included in widely-used formulations, such as Liuwei Dihuang Pills [6, 3, 7].



  • May improve anemia by supporting blood cell production
  • May support kidney function
  • Early evidence of mood, blood sugar, and bone support


  • Unclear which active components are responsible for the benefits
  • Researched and often used in multi-herb formulations
  • Weak or low-quality evidence for many benefits
  • Side effects largely unknown

Rehmannia Root

Although the above-ground parts are sometimes used, herbal remedies are much more often prepared from the orange roots of this plant [8, 9].

Depending on how the roots are prepared, they are called [10]:

  • Xian-Di-Huang (for the fresh root)
  • Sheng-Di-Huang (for baked roots)
  • Shu-Di-Huang (for steamed roots) in Chinese


Over 70 active compounds have been found in Rehmannia, including amino acids, simple and complex sugars, vitamins, and plant-specific compounds. Their composition in extracts mostly varies according to the plant species and the root preparation method [5, 9].

One of the most well-known plant-specific compounds in Rehmannia is called catalpol, which accounts for 0.3-0.5% of the dried root. Catalpol is an iridoid glycoside, a group of molecules plants create to defend against predators. They also have a range of health effects in humans [1, 11, 12].

Catalpol is likely responsible for the plant’s sugar-lowering, inflammation-fighting, and immune-balancing effects in cells and animals. Rehmannia also contains rehmapicrogenin, a strong anti-inflammatory. This compound that helps deactivate one of the most important inflammation-triggering factors in cells (NF-κB) [13, 14].

Mechanism of Effect

According to some researchers, Rehmannia may improve stress resilience and mood by enhancing the body’s antioxidant defense [15].

Certain complex sugars in Rehmannia may target the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays an important role in memory and mood. Catalpol might also help brain cells resist damage. As a result, the plant’s compounds are currently being investigated for their effect on dementia and anxiety [16, 17, 11].

Rehmannia also affects energy use and is under investigation in people with diabetes and insulin resistance. Sugar extracts of this plant increased insulin production in mice and catalpol lowered glucose levels in diabetic rats. Catalpol also increases the secretion of endorphins from the adrenal gland, which helps transport glucose from the blood into the muscles [18, 19, 20, 21].

Traditional practitioners claim that Rehmannia can reverse anemia, and some evidence suggests that it may protect the parts of the bone marrow that make red blood cells. Nourishing the blood is one of its main traditional indications, while anemia is considered to be a sign of yin deficiency. As such, early sickle-cell anemia clinical trials are in progress with a compound isolated from the steamed roots, but the results aren’t in yet [22, 23].

In cell studies, Rehmannia helped alleviate inflammation by sponging up free radicals – highly reactive compounds that can damage cells – as well as by causing immune cells to secrete fewer inflammatory signaling molecules. Importantly, it also blocked the expression of inflammatory genes in these cell studies. Reducing inflammation is beneficial in many conditions, but researchers are currently looking at its application in bone and kidney health [14, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28].

What’s more, this herb caused kidney cells to express fewer receptors that drive high blood pressure. According to some researchers, if this effect translates to the human body, it could make it useful for protecting the kidneys that are already strained due to other diseases, like diabetes. Dried and steamed roots reduce renin in animals, thereby lowering blood pressure and reducing kidney damage [28, 29].

Potential Benefits

Rehmannia supplements have not been approved by the FDA for medical use and generally lack solid clinical research. Regulations set manufacturing standards for them but don’t guarantee that they’re safe or effective. Speak with your doctor before supplementing.

Possibly Effective For

1) Anemia

Aplastic anemia is a rare disease in which the body stops making enough blood cells due to bone marrow damage. In a clinical study of 34 people with this disease, Rehmannia extract added to standard treatment sped up symptom remission better than standard treatment alone [30].

A combination of traditional medicines, including Rehmannia, had promising effects in another trial of 64 people with the same type of anemia. An integrative medicine approach could protect the bone marrow and red blood cells and reduce inflammation. As a result, 12 participants had blood markers comparable to healthy people [23].

Rehmannia and its extracts, alone and in combination with other supplements, also improved anemia in rats [31, 32].

2) Kidney Function

Early evidence suggests a potential role for Rehmannia in preventing kidney failure in diabetic humans and animals [7, 21].

In a study of 72 people with nephrotic syndrome (a type of kidney failure), some people were given Liuwei Dihuang Pills as an add-on to standard treatment. The herbal pills improved kidney function better than the standard treatment alone [33].

In a similar study of 64 people with lupus nephritis – a kind of kidney inflammation – those who were given Liuwei Dihuang Pills in addition to standard treatment also had improved kidney function [34].

In a larger study of 479 people with chronic kidney inflammation, Rehmannia in addition to the standard care improved symptoms of kidney damage and inflammation [35].

This herb’s beneficial effects on kidney health were confirmed in several animal studies [28].

Notably, the benefits varied depending on how the roots were prepared: dry, raw, and steamed Rehmannia roots each had different effects on the kidneys of rabbits. Only dry and steamed Rehmannia reduce renin, which would be beneficial for people with high blood pressure caused by kidney disease (renal hypertension). Raw Rehmannia, on the other hand, increased renin [29].

Insufficient Evidence For

The following purported benefits are only supported by limited, low-quality clinical studies. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of Rehmannia for any of the below-listed uses. Remember to speak with a doctor before taking Rehmannia supplements, and never use them as a replacement for approved medical therapies.

3) Mood & Stress Resilience

In a study of 20 people with depression, a Rehmannia-containing combination of herbs improved mood after four weeks. Six people experienced significant improvements, while six had some improvement. It’s difficult to say whether Rehmannia was the herb responsible for these benefits, and since no control was included, any response could just be a placebo effect [36].

In another study, mice were subjected to bouts of unpredictable, chronic mild stress – a model that loosely correlates with human depression. Rehmannia improved the decreased antioxidant capacity in mice stressed in this way. It boosted key antioxidant enzymes, glutathione, and SOD [37].

Additionally, a sugar extract from Rehmannia decreased anxiety in rats. Complex sugars from its root could block proteins linked to anxiety in the hippocampus. This brain region is important for emotional balance, stress resilience, and memory storage. Its abnormalities are linked to both anxiety and depression [16, 38].

4) Diabetes

In an analysis of 18 clinical studies including over 1,200 people with diabetes, adding Rehmannia-containing Liuwei Dihuang Pills to typical western medicine regimes improved kidney function. However, the quality of the analyzed studies was low, with many lacking controls [7].

Rehmannia, alone or in combination with other herbs, holds promise for diabetes. In one study, its components lowered blood sugar and improved kidney function in diabetic rats. Aside from its effects on glucose control, it may reduce diabetic complications. In one study, it decreased the size of diabetic foot ulcers in rats [6, 21, 39, 28].

5) Bone Loss

Rehmannia, in combination with other herbs, may prevent bone loss. An analysis of over 100 studies including Rehmannia found that herbal formulations were generally effective, although many of the studies had limitations [40].

Rehmannia, alone or in combination with other herbs, also helped prevent bone loss in menopausal rats and mice [41, 3, 42].

Animal Research (Lacking Evidence)

No clinical evidence supports the use of Rehmannia for any of the conditions listed in this section. Below is a summary of the existing animal and cell-based research, which should guide further investigational efforts. However, the studies listed below should not be interpreted as supportive of any health benefit.

6) Brain

Rats with dementia given a Rehmannia extract performed better on memory and learning tests. Catalpol also protected brain cells in dishes and helped them survive the effects of bacterial toxins. Its brain-protective effects are probably closely linked to its ability to lower the stress response, neutralize free radicals, and affect important brain regions like the hippocampus [17, 43].

7) Fatigue & Endurance

Rehmannia is often described as an invigorator or a tonic – essentially, a substance to wake you up and make you feel more energized. Anecdotal evidence for this effect is abundant, but actual scientific studies are scarce.

In one study, higher doses of Rehmannia sugar extracts increased swimming endurance in mice. This points to its potential to combat exhaustion and improve exercise endurance [44].

Tonics like Rehmannia may help the body adapt to stress and increased physical demands. However, additional studies on these effects are lacking [45+].

8) Inflammation

In rats, an extract of Rehmannia and another herb decreased inflammation after liver damage and reduced scarring. Sugars from this plant also lowered liver inflammation in mice. These benefits were confirmed in mice and rats with diabetes. What’s more, Rehmannia decreased the inflammatory activity of mouse immune cells [46, 47, 14, 48, 24, 49].

Contrastingly, in one study of rats with arthritis, Rehmannia extract didn’t have any effect on inflammation. However, this extract did have some beneficial effects, like improving circulation [49].

9) Allergies and Asthma

Despite a long history of use as a remedy for allergies and asthma, there are few studies directly examining how Rehmannia affects these conditions. In rats with allergies, its extracts decreased inflammatory symptoms. Similarly, an extract of this herb lowered inflammation and skin lesions in mice with eczema [50, 51, 52].

Cancer Research

In a study of 60 people with throat cancer, those given a Rehmannia extract had better short-term response rates to conventional therapies and fewer radiation-related side-effects [53].

In people with lung cancer, Rehmannia-containing herbal concoctions improved responses to treatment when used in combination with chemotherapy [54, 55].

Rehmannia sugars inhibited the growth of lung and skin tumors in mice [56, 57].

Rehmannia can also stop liver and lung cancer cells in dishes from growing and even kill them. Rehmannia may activate cancer-fighting immune cells. Additionally, it may cause cancer cells to express proteins that slow their growth. Its antioxidants and nutrients reduced the side effects of chemotherapy drugs, while cancer-suppressing components may boost their effect. However, these effects have only been observed in cell studies, which may have no bearing whatsoever on animal or human bodies [56, 57, 58, 59].

Heart Rate Variability

Heart rate variability measures how much your heart rate fluctuates. A higher heart rate variability is desirable. It’s linked to good health and better emotional control, and it indicates a dominance of the rest-and-digest nervous system. A lower heart rate variability indicates a dominance of the fight-or-flight nervous system, which is associated with stress, anxiety, and inflammation [60, 61, 62].

Since Rehmannia may lower anxiety and depression, one would assume that it activates the rest-and-digest response. However, two studies of 160 healthy people showed mixed effects. Given as pharmacopuncture – herbal medicine injected into acupuncture points – Rehmannia activated both the fight-or-flight and rest-and-digest response, within the normal range [63, 64].

While these findings may sound confusing, it’s possible that this invigorating herb has some balancing action on the nervous system. What exactly it does, though, needs to be researched in more detail. We furthermore strongly recommend against injecting Rehmannia or anything else without the supervision of a medical professional.

For Pets

There are a lot of anecdotal reports and pseudo-scientific claims about using Rehmannia to treat diseases in veterinary medicine, especially kidney failure. It is used in dogs, cats, and even horses. However, there isn’t actually much hard scientific evidence to back this up.

Some veterinarians use Rehmannia as part of an integrative approach to treatment regardless, but scientific studies in animals other than rats and mice are virtually nonexistent. The existing clinical trials support the effects on kidney health, but it’s unknown exactly how its active components are processed by animals.

There are a few scattered reports of individual animals with seizures or other brain problems improving from traditional techniques – often Rehmannia in combination with other herbs and acupuncture. However, these reports are scarce and Rehmannia was only one of the treatment modalities. It’s hard to say what, if any, effect it had [65, 66].

Side Effects, Limitations, Drug Interactions, and Forms

The most commonly noted side effects of Rehmannia are stomach problems like tenderness, nausea, and diarrhea. However, many published studies did not report what, if any, side effects were experienced [28, 36].

Rehmannia pharmacopuncture (herbal injections) partially activates the fight-or-flight nervous system. If you suffer from stress and anxiety, Rehmannia may be more likely to produce an unexpected response. In the traditional sense, this herb is considered to be an invigorating tonic, and it’s unknown if it can trigger a negative reaction in people with high anxiety.

There isn’t currently enough evidence to say whether Rehmannia is safe in particular groups, like pregnant or breastfeeding women and children. The herb’s proponents tout its long history of safe use, but pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should avoid it until more clinical data are available [1, 67].

Because Rehmannia can affect blood sugar, people with diabetes should exercise caution in taking Rehmannia, especially if they’re already on medication [28].

Rehmannia is relatively poorly studied and could have unknown effects. To avoid adverse effects and unexpected interactions with other substances, talk to your doctor before supplementing.

Limitations and Caveats

Despite its long history in traditional medicine, there are relatively few studies on the efficacy of Rehmannia. Therefore, it’s important not to give too much weight to the results of any one study.

Most studies available are based on animal models. Mice and rats don’t always respond to diseases or treatments in the same way people do, so it’s unknown if the benefits will hold true in humans.

Of the available studies on humans, many of them are of very poor quality. Some lacked control groups, and many did not provide sufficient details of their methods, such as the exact herbal formulations used [28].

Almost every study was performed on people with diseases or animals with modeled diseases. It’s important not to assume that this herb would benefit healthy people just because it might work for those living with a specific disease.

Finally, because herbal remedies are not especially well-regulated, and because the composition and effect of Rehmannia can vary depending on how it is prepared and what, if any, other ingredients it’s used with, it’s unwise to assume that any two products labeled or containing Rehmannia will necessarily have the same effects.

Drug Interactions

Whether and how Rehmannia interacts with other drugs has not been thoroughly investigated.

However, Rehmannia and/or other traditional herbs have been used in combination with standard of care Western medicine, often with beneficial results.

These findings suggest that Rehmannia can be safely added to Western medical treatment regimes, though such decisions should always be made in consultation with a healthcare professional [35, 34, 33, 36].


Rehmannia roots can be prepared in a variety of ways, including raw, baked, and steamed. The roots can also be brewed into a tea. Rehmannia extracts can also be prepared, and Rehmannia can be taken in pills like Liuwei Dihuang Pills [68, 6, 3, 7].

However, Rehmannia supplements are not standardized, so the “strength” of different formulations can vary greatly.


There is no safe and effective dose of Rehmannia because no sufficiently powered study has been conducted to find one. That being said, clinical trials have produced beneficial results at certain doses.

Among available studies, dosages range from as little as 3 mg of Rehmannia to as much as 400 mg. However, many of these studies also included other herbs, so the dosage of Rehmannia was lower than it might have been if this herb was used alone [36, 28, 35].

One of the problems with the studies on Rehmannia in humans is a lack of dosage information. Some studies used Liuwei Dihuang Pills but didn’t report the amount of each component in the pills. This makes it difficult to determine what an optimal dose should be [28].

User Reviews

Generally, users reported high satisfaction. They claim that taking Rehmannia helped with various health issues, like kidney problems or diabetes symptoms.

Anecdotal reports also strongly support the tonic effect of Rehmannia, with users saying it helps them feel energized and gives a sense of “well-being.”

Some reviews are less encouraging, reporting the development of infections and stomach discomfort.

Buy Rehmannia Root


Rehmannia is an herb used in Chinese traditional medicine, classified as an invigorating tonic for states of yin deficiency. Research on its benefits is sparse, although it has shown promise for anemia and kidney function.

The roots of Rehmannia are used to prepare combination herbal products, usually of up to 6 ingredients. Although generally considered safe, supplements from this herb may cause stomach discomfort. Because of the lack of research, it may also have unknown side effects and interactions.

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